Research and Development

almacenamiento de energía
edificio histórico
Data intelligence
efficient energy management in buildings
cuerva hydroelectric power station
computer screen cyber security
energy community
solar panels on the roof of a building
blockchain representation image
grey electric tower
image representing an atom
Energia 4.0 linea de apoyo red eléctrica
energy picture red flashlights
DT4Flex - Digital Twin of the Low Voltage network Phase II
I-STENTORE: innovative energy storage technologies
CERFlex: FLEXibility Management for Rural Energy Communities

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+34 958 570 360

C/ Santa Lucía 1 K 18194.
Churriana de la Vega - Granada. Spain.

Opening hours:

Monday to Thursday from 08.00 am to 6.00 pm.

Friday from 08:00 am to 2:00 pm