TSN for Smart grids

Deterministic communications for Industry 4.0. TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) for Smart grids
Date | September 2018 - March 2019 |
Leader | On-tech Granada Cluster |
Reference | AEI-010500-2018-125 |
Financing entity | Project financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism (MINCOTUR) within the AEI support program to help improve the competitiveness of Spanish industry |
The challenges that current electricity networks must face are well known; they include, for example, the increase in renewable sources, the expansion of distributed resources, the growth in demand or the need to optimize supply. A more intelligent system is needed, in which data acquisition, monitoring and control capabilities are extended throughout the entire network. This requires an end-to-end deployment of information and communications technologies to achieve management that increases operator control and the possibilities of analysis or action.
Within this context, the project “Deterministic Communications for Industry 4.0: TSN for Smart Grid” is promoted, jointly developed with Cuerva (DSO located in Granada), Seven Solutions (specialists in TSN), the University of Granada (UGR) and the OnGranada Technological cluster, which has carried out crucial work as a regional ecosystem to materialize the collaboration of the partners.
The main objective of the project is the industrial development of a packet switching equipment (switch) compatible with the TSN standard; evaluation and test of the application of TSN technology as a communications bus for Smart Grid networks.
Seven Solutions and the University of Granada have been in charge of the technological development of the communications equipment and the laboratory test network, while Cuerva has defined the use cases and potential of TSN in substations and distribution.
We also promoted the collaboration of CIRCE to establish the architecture of the real demonstrator of the project and to support the field tests, given its background in new generation substation automation systems.