Smart-DSO Living Lab: actions for smart grids

Smart grid integrating the behaviour of grid-connected users to optimise power flows
Dates | October 2021 - August 2022 |
Leader | Montajes Eléctricos Cuerva SL (now Cuerva Energía SL) |
Reference | 1130205 |
Financing entity | Action framed within the Smart Grids Incentive Line of the Andalusian Energy Agency - Action A1.B) Development of smart grids. |
- Real-time data collection systems for the electricity grid and the environment.
- Intelligent analysis and management systems for the electricity grid.
- Systems for remote management and remote actuation of grid elements.
- Systems for data extraction, management and processing in the cloud
The project also enables the development of a Smart City, focusing on demand management and zero balance, reinforcing the concept of self-sufficiency and community self-sustainability.
This innovative project to digitalise the electricity system will result in a more secure, improved and more sustainable electricity supply in the municipalities of this area.
Initiatives such as this help us keep the population in rural areas and contribute to the economic growth and development of small municipalities, by improving the quality of the electricity supply and enabling the implementation of projects linked to new technologies and smart grids.
This is an innovative project from the very beginning, as the transformation of an electricity infrastructure into a smart grid is an example of where the electricity system should be heading, placing the citizen at the centre of the energy system and incorporating renewable sources through efficient energy management.
The action carried out has fulfilled the objectives with which it arose, such as improving the electricity supply of the municipalities served by the electricity infrastructure, as well as advancing in the digitisation and smart energy management in the area.
It has a high degree of coverage over the target population, not only because of the 16,000 distribution grid customers Cuerva has, but also, and more importantly, because the improvement of the electricity supply will contribute to the attraction of companies and job creation in the area.
The project has enjoyed wide dissemination of the contribution of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) among Andalusian citizens, thanks to the repercussion in several media channels and social networks, after the visit made by the Minister of Finance and European Funding, Juan Bravo, to the company's headquarters and the very nature of the promoter company, an Andalusian benchmark in the energy sector.
This innovative project to digitalise the electricity system will result in a more secure, quality and sustainable electricity supply in the municipalities in the area.
From a reputational nature, the project seeks to become an international benchmark in the field of smartgrids; also, of social nature, since it contributes to the development of small municipalities in the area.
The area of influence of the project is Andalusia. In particular, the province of Granada, which is where the project is located and also where the headquarters of the company promoting and developing it are located.