Generdis: Technology for energy communities of the future

solar panels on the roof of a building
Pablo Blázquez, R&D Specialist in Cuerva

Developing disruptive technological capabilities

DatesNovember  2022 - June 2026
Project web Not applicable
Project logoGenerdis_sin-fondo
Funding organisation

This project, with file number MIG-20221069, has been subsidised by the CDTI, Centre for Technological Development and Innovation, through the call for the “CDTI Missions” Programme for the year 2022 and by the European Union.




Generdis is an industrial research project that will address the technological challenges of the energy communities of the future.  

Energy communities are positioned as a key element to accelerate the energy transition. They consolidate themselves as a paradigm of a more decentralised, flexible and digitalised energy model that enables the efficient integration of distributed renewable generation and provides more affordable renewable energy to citizens, without forgetting energy and resource sustainability in the long term. It also ensures greater energy autonomy and security, reduces the relationship with critical materials and favours independence from volatile energy prices in the markets, providing energy at affordable and competitive costs.


The GENERDIS project aims to address the challenges outlined above, with the main objective of developing disruptive technological capabilities in the framework of energy communities through:

  • The development of innovative solutions for smart and optimised management, demand flexibility and support for the secure operation of the electricity system
  • Research into innovative, flexible and efficient storage technologies
  • Improving the use of available surfaces by means of building-integrated photovoltaics
In order to meet these points, specific objectives are set:  

  • Optimised energy management of energy communities
  • New technologies applied to storage
  • New BIPV (Building-Integrated PhotoVoltaics) building solutions

Cuerva´s Rol

Cuerva plays a key role in the Generdis project, focusing on the development of an intelligent system for monitoring and controlling the grid. It applies real-time measurements, electricity consumption profiles, energy performance simulation and congestion detection. It is also developing a common market and product model for energy exchange between energy communities to solve congestions in the distribution grid.

Project consortium 

GENERDIS is a consortium formed by 8 companies (COBRA, ARIÑO DUGLASS, ENERGY PANEL, CEN, NVISION, CUERVA, ISOTROL and SFERAONE) and is supported by 2 research centres (TECNALIA and Fundecyt-PCTEX-CIIAE). 

Consorcio Generdis Logos 1
Consorcio Generdis Logos 2

About the author

Pablo Blázquez, R&D Specialist in Cuerva
Pablo Blázquez joins Cuerva at the beginning of 2022 to support the Innovation area and participate in the proposal and execution of national and international R&D projects related to Smart Grids. He is currently working on the proposal of several projects related to flexibility and the definition of the platforms and markets necessary for its deployment.

Articles about Research and Development

Data intelligence
almacenamiento de energía

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