CERFlex: FLEXibility Management for Rural Energy Communities

CERFlex: FLEXibility Management for Rural Energy Communities
Fernando Rubio, Smart Energy Engineer en Cuerva

Operation of networks with high renewable penetration using Artificial Intelligence

DatesSeptiembre 2022 - Mayo 2024
Cuerva Energía S.L.
Financing entity

This project has received funding within the framework of the strategic action for the digital economy and society of the state R&D program aimed at societal challenges and the state business leadership program of RED.ES in the 2021 call for aid for to research and development projects in artificial intelligence and other digital technologies and their integration into value chains (C005-21-ED), with an approved budget of €578,042.96 and a subsidy of €433,532.22.


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CERFlex project consists of investigating the development and ways of implementing ICT solutions aimed to deploy a new concept of energy communities, especially focused on rural areas. Thus, facilitating decentralized management of energy exchange, maximum use of its renewables resources and sustainable consumption of available resources.


It is aimed to integrate a solution that specifically meets the following objectives:

  • Definition and development of an energy exchange system prototype between equals based on blockchain technology.
  • Definition and development of algorithm prototypes to control flexible electrical loads, taking into consideration those that may be available for the rural energy community in question, using reinforcement learning techniques.
  • Creation of algorithms' prototypes for predicting the flexibility of electric charges with the objetctive of being able to determine the flexible resources that will be available in the short term.
  • Definition of a Living Lab environment (real environment, although controlled) in order to validate the developed prototypes.
  • Generation of distribution network models and flexible electrical loads for the aforementioned Living Lab.
  • Validation of each and every one of the prototypes obtained in the aforementioned Living Lab.
  • Dissemination, both at a scientific and industrial level and for the general public, of the results obtained from carrying out the activities proposed.

Cuerva's role

Cuerva leads CERFlex project, framed within its R+D+i strategy as a Distribution Network Operator (DSO), especially aimed at the digitalization of distribution networks, the integration of new business models based on the consumer and the integration of future flexibility markets within the network. It will carry out the following activities throughout the project:

  • Give support to CARTIF (collaborating company) in the development of algorithms for consumption and generation predictions, as well as the integration of flexibility in the network of the energy community.
  • Implementation of an energy community within its Living Lab..
  • Participate in the development of a blockchain architecture that will be part of the project's user-centric energy exchange platform.

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Project's logos

About the author

Fernando Rubio, Smart Energy Engineer en Cuerva
Fernando Rubio joined Cuerva to work in the technical and management part of the national and international R+D+i projects, focused on Smart Energy and Smart Grids. He studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Malaga and has a postgraduate degree in Home Automation, Energy Efficiency and Technical Building Management. Before joining Cuerva, he has developed his professional career in the renewable energy sector, especially in photovoltaic, wind power and its integration into SCADA control and management systems.

Articles about Research and Development

Data intelligence
almacenamiento de energía

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