Cuerva statement on the Ukraine conflict

Cuerva has lent the vehicle in which the Granada expedition will travel to Central Europe.
Granada. 17/03/2022. The war situation in Ukraine is something that touches us and has been on our minds from the very beginning. We condemn it as a brutal and senseless act.
At Cuerva we strongly support a peaceful situation and we support all those who are directly or indirectly affected by the war.
And in these critical times we have decided to take action with different private non-profit initiatives launched in our city, Granada.
A vehicle from our fleet will be on its way to Ukraine to provide food to the families and thus also support their reception in Spain.
On the other hand, we will provide financial donations to cover the costs of transporting buses and vans that will travel to Warsaw to help the refugees there.
On behalf of the entire Cuerva community, we support the diplomatic efforts and join in the wishes for this war to come to an end as soon as possible, in the hope that peace and human rights will prevail.