STUNNED: SisTemic mUltilevel optimized orchestratioN of energy maNagement systEms for resiDential, industrial and tertiary energy flexibility services

Esther Ayas, R&D Engineer in Cuerva
DatesOctober 2024 - October 2028
Project websiteAvailable soon
ReferenceEXP - 00154095 / MIG - 20221067
Financing entity

Stunned’s Project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101172968

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Through the aggregation of multiple residential/industrial buildings, STUNNED aims to demonstrate the opportunity ro provide flexibiity services to the electrical grid and facilitate the participation of prosumers, consumers, and aggregated producers in electricity markets.

The proposed solution will be base don the Stackelberg Game optimization method to find the balance between three layers: aggregators (middle layer) and the buildings or industrial sites (lower layers), which will reduce costs and carbon footprint by participating in energy and flexibility markets (upper layer actor). Three market schemes (centralized, decentralized, and distributed) will be implemented and compared, and technical, economic, and legal feasibility will be validated through demosntrations in Italy, Spain, and France.


  • Development and demonstration of an HW/SW solution for the optimal management of complex energy systems in aggregated residential/industrial buildings to operate in new flexibility markets. 
  • Orchestration of energy assets in residential/industrial buildings, minimizing energy costs and enabling their participation in energy and flexibility markets.
  • Enable the role of aggregators as intermediaries between end users, markets, and DSOs/TSOs, maximizing their benefits.
  • Enable communication between vendor-specific BMS/EMS systems already installed and the aggregation middle layer, facilitating data exchange and interoperability.
  • Allow the establishment of iterative economic transactions between the “aggregation layer” and the “building layer” necessary to reach the equilibrium point between their two opposing instances, maximizing revenues and minimizing costs.
  • Include cybersecurity methods and distributed ledger technologies to ensure data protection, secure transactions, and protection against cyberattacks.

Rol de Cuerva

Cuerva acts as the DSO for the Spanish pilot in Murcia.

La red de distribución de Cuerva servirá de marco real para la implementación de un mercado flexible local donde tres edificios actuarán como proveedores de servicios de flexibilidad.

Cuerva’s distribution network will serve as a real framework for the implementation of a local flexible market, where three buildings will act as flexibility service providers. As the DSO, Cuerva will conducta an analysis of its network during operation to detect voltaje and frequency events and will use the STUNNED platform to request the activation of flexibility services to resolve these events and return the network tos table and secure voltaje and frequency levels.

About the author

Esther Ayas, R&D Engineer in Cuerva
Graduate in Technical Industrial Engineering specialising in chemistry and Master's degree in renewable energies from the University of Jaén. She joined Cuerva in January 2024. Previously, she has developed her professional career in the area of maintenance and processes in a research centre, managing the state of the assets and guaranteeing the operation of conventional energy processes.

Articles about Research and Development

Data intelligence
almacenamiento de energía
edificio histórico

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