TwinEU: 75 partners united to drive Europe's green future through a digital twin.

electrical network
Rosa Fernández, Marketing Manager at Cuerva
Press Release February 27, 2024

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Pack with logos, photos, videos and corporate presentation 

One of the largest consortia to date has been launched under the Horizon Europe framework, the TwinEU project. 75 partners coming together to create a pan-European digital twin concept of the electrical system.

Granada, 27/02/2024 - TwinEU, an emblematic project for the implementation of the EU Action Plan: Digitization of the Energy System. It will harness a unique set of skills from network operators, market players, technology providers, and research centers to create a pan-European digital twin concept based on the federation of local twins, enabling reliable, resilient, and secure operation of the electrical infrastructure while facilitating new business models that will accelerate the achievement of Europe's net-zero emission climate goals. 

It will offer a set of tools to be demonstrated in 8 pilots across 11 EU countries, with the aim of ensuring the replicability of solutions developed in different geographical and market environments, testing a wide variety of use cases. These tools will enable in the physical and cyber network: 

  • Improved resilience
  • Enhancedobservability and control capability
  • Advancedforecastingforoptimizedmarketactions
  • Intelligent and coordinatedplanning

A project that will validate the framework developed and facilitate common practice among system operators, technology providers, and market actors. Digital twinning is addressed across multiple layers throughout field demonstrations. Most studies demonstrate the urgent need for digital twins that replicate the real behavior of the energy network and market. 

To achieve these objectives, the consortium partners will collaboratively work together for 3 years in a structured and efficient manner, drawing upon the advancements made in numerous previous projects within the Horizon Europe framework. 

The Iberian pilot will focus on the security and resilience of the electrical system. To achieve this, TwinEU will utilize a series of digital twins and a common framework for interaction between them, aimed at improving the security and resilience of the entire Iberian energy system, from generation, transmission, and distribution of energy to energy markets and end consumers.

Cuerva will play a fundamental role in the development of these activities as part of the Iberian pilot. As a Distribution System Operator (DSO), its responsibilities will encompass a range of tasks in collaboration with the other partners, bringing expertise to the definition of stakeholder requirements for the digital twin. This involves assessing the conditions and specifications of digital technologies essential for establishing robust use cases. Subsequently, it will act as a demonstrator, leveraging advanced digital infrastructure to facilitate network planning and enhance resilience. The goal for the Granada-based utility will be to effectively detect and address technical limitations. 

The TwinEU consortium consists of the following partners: 

  1. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Forderung Der Angewandten Forschung Ev
  2. Ubitech Energy
  3. Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica Spa
  4. European Dynamics Luxembourg Sa
  5. Technische Universiteit Delft
  6. Enel Grids S.R.L.
  7. E-D
  8. University Of Piraeus Research Center
  9. Etra Investigacion Y Desarrollo Sa
  10. Eles Doo Operater Kombiniranega Prenosnega In Distribucijskega Elektroenergetskega Omrezja
  11. Budapesti Muszaki Es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem
  12. Austrian Power Grid Ag
  13. Collaborative Research For Energy System Modeling
  14. European Distribution System Operators For Smart Grids
  15. ELIA Group
  16. European Network Of Transmission System Operators For Electricity Aisbl
  17. Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V.
  18. Electrodistribution Grid West Ad
  19. Entra Energy
  20. Elektroenergien Sistemen Operator Ead
  21. Software Company Eood
  22. Yugoiztochnoevropeyska Tehnologichna Kompania Ood
  23. Cintech Solutions Ltd
  24. Archi Ilektrismou Kyprou
  25. Diacheiristis Systimatos Metaforas
  26. Tp Aeolian Dynamics Ltd
  27. University Of Cyprus
  28. Artelys
  29. Rte Reseau De Transport D'electricite
  30. 50 Hertz Transmission
  31. Amprion Gmbh
  32. On Energie Deutschland Gmbh
  33. Envelio Gmbh
  34. ON One GmbH
  35. ON SE
  36. Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen
  37. Technische Universitat Dortmund
  38. Westnetz Gmbh
  39. Smart Sustainable Social Innovations Monoprosopi Ike
  40. Diacheiristis Ellinikou Diktyou Dianomis Elektrikis Energeias Ae
  41. Elliniko Hrimatistirio Energeias
  42. Independent Power Transmission Operator Sa
  43. Regulatory Authority For Energy (Rythmistiki Arhi Energias)
  44. G. Techniki Monoprosopi I.K.E.
  45. Ethniko Kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon
  46. On Eszak-Dunantuli Aramhalozati Zartkoruen Mukodo Rt
  47. F4ster - Future 4 Sustainable Transport And Energy Research Institute Zartkoruen Mukodo Tarsasag
  48. Hupx Magyar Szervezett Villamosenergia-Piac Zartkoruen Mukodo Reszvenytarsasag
  49. Mavir Magyar Villamosenergia-Ipari Atviteli Rendszeriranyito Zartkoruen Mukodo Reszvenytarsasag
  50. Areti S.P.A.
  51. Enel X Srl
  52. Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale Per Energia E Sistemi Elettrici
  53. Enel X Way S.R.L.
  54. Ricerca Sul Sistema Energetico - Rse Spa
  55. Terna Rete Italia Spa
  56. Alliander Nv
  57. Jedlix B.V.
  58. Stedin Netbeheer Bv
  59. Tennet Tso Bv
  60. Inesc Tec - Instituto De Engenhariade Sistemas E Computadores, Tecnologia E Ciencia
  61. Centro De Investigacao Em Energia Ren - State Grid Sa
  62. Ren - Rede Electrica Nacional Sa
  63. Compania Nationala De Transport Al Energiei Electrice Transelectrica Sa
  64. Universitatea Politehnica Din Bucuresti
  65. Elektro Gorenjska Podjetje Za Distribucijo Elektricne Energije Dd
  66. Elektroinstitut Milan Vidmar
  67. Holding Slovenske Elektrarne Doo
  68. Univerza V Ljubljani
  69. Estabanell Y Pahisa Energia Sa
  70. Fundacion Circe Centro De Investigacion De Recursos Y Consumos Energeticos
  71. Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  72. Cuerva Energia Slu
  73. Red Electrica De Espana S.A.U.
  74. Omi-Polo Espanol Sa
  75. Adaion Smart Grid Solutions

Project coordinators:
Antonello Monti
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V
TwinEU | Linkedin
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Media Kit

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About the author

Rosa Fernández, Marketing Manager at Cuerva
Rosa joined Cuerva in August 2021 to lead and develop the brand-new Marketing department. She holds a Master's degree in International Marketing Management from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and a degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada. With this multi-skilled approach, she is responsible for the strategy and development of marketing, branding, and communication actions for all Cuerva's business areas. Before joining the energy company, she has great experience in large, fast-pased multinational companies. She worked as Branding and Marketing Executive for Shell Italia in Milan and for the UK standards body, British Standards Institution, as Marketing Coordinator, for the Spanish and Italian markets, developing a wide range of global campaigns. E-mail:

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