Cuerva, Patrons of the “AI Granada Research & Innovation” Foundation

“AI Granada Research & Innovation” is a foundation devoted to promoting and supporting public and private activities related to research, innovation, technological development and knowledge transfer in the field of artificial intelligence and digital technologies.
Granada. 18/04/2023. The Foundation was presented in 2022 at an event under the auspices of the University of Granada as the driving force behind the project in conjunction with the Regional Government of Andalusia through its Digital Agency and strategic partners in the field of artificial intelligence (Granada City Council, Granada Chamber of Commerce, Cuerva, La Caña Group, La Palma Cooperative, Covirán and Caixabank). The purpose of the event was to introduce the Foundation to the public and explain its main lines of action. Aimed at converting Andalusia into a strategic hub for deployment of artificial intelligence in Spain and Europe, the project represents a clear commitment to the future of the region.
The Foundation's new corporate image was unveiled on 14 April. Ignacio Cuerva, Cuerva's CEO, attended the event in which the Foundation’s second board meeting also took place. Its action plan was established during the meeting and the attendees discussed potential funding sources, all aimed at achieving the goal of driving development of artificial intelligence in Granada and improving its competitiveness at the domestic and international levels.
The Foundation, in which the majority of the equity holdings are private, will facilitate connection between the university, research centres in artificial intelligence and society in general in order to enhance competitiveness through research, innovation, technological development and knowledge.
As a key player in the province of Granada and a benchmark for innovation and artificial intelligence, the Foundation will undoubtedly drive the economic and social growth of Andalusia. It will provide access to the latest technologies, support the creation of new business activities and internationalisation of the business fabric and provide opportunities to participate in innovative programmes that aiIMPULSA, AI Lab Granada and AIR Andalucía will develop in the future.
What does it mean for Cuerva to be part of the Foundation?
Being Patrons of the “AI Granada Research & Innovation” foundation is a great honour and privilege. As an energy company with a vision to reach beyond today’s concept of the traditional business model in the electricity and energy sector, “we are deeply committed to the innovative technological developments taking place in our province and we know that AI is a field with enormous potential to change the world as we know it” in the words of the Granada-based company, a leader in energy innovation at the domestic and international levels.
“Being part of this Foundation is a unique opportunity to collaborate with other key players in the research and development of artificial intelligence and to help consolidate Granada’s business fabric and its competitiveness compared to the rest of Spain and, by extension, Europe. We also hope to be able to use the tools and knowledge transfer generated by the Foundation to improve our own business and to continue providing a sustainable, cutting-edge energy service”. Cuevas’ Chief Executive Officer went on to say that “we trust that the Foundation will contribute to creating a favourable ecosystem for financing AI projects and that together, we can make progress in achieving a smarter and more digitalised future.”
As a member of the Foundation’s governing body, Cuerva also extends its network of collaborators in R&D+i projects and strategies by joining entities like the On-tech Granada cluster, the Smart City Cluster of Malaga, the universities of Granada and Seville themselves and other domestic and European consortia of private companies, state agencies and academic institutions that drive innovation and development projects to change the electricity and energy sector as we know it for the better.